Felicity Kendal Continued...
Felicity spent the first eighteen years of her life in India
touring the country with her family's "Shakespeareana"
road show. From the time she was nine months old until
twelve years old she had a caring native nanny named
Mary. Mary was most dedicated to Felicity and treated
Felicity as if she was her own. Felicity was Mary's "Missy
Baba" and would take her for treks into villages for pony
rides and ice cream and strolls along the beach. When
Felicity turned twelve she decided she didn't need an "Ayah"
and left Mary at the dock for the last time before returning
to England with the family. This parting affected Mary the
most as she watched the departure through tears of sorrow.
Civil unrest and the transistion from British rule forced
The Kendals to migrate back to England but only soon to
return to India as was the passion of Geoffery Kendal.
Geoffery did not fancy structured life along with all the
problems that go with it. The company was forever traveling
sleeping wherever they could, playing at palaces and poor
houses, and Geoffery loved every minute of it. India was their
Felicity's first acting job came when she was an
infant. She played a changeling boy in "A Mid-
summer Night's Dream". She played the same
part at five years old but with disasterous results.
She was so absorbed in marching back and forth
protecting the sleeping "Titania" she missed her
exit line and was dismissed by "Oberon" with a
"Bogger off!" I wonder if Shakespeare thought
to say that?
The family was of mixed faith or lack of it as was
Felicity's sister Jennifer. She was agnostic. Laura
was Catholic and would take the two girls to mass
where Jennifer would immediatly faint as if on cue.
Geoffery favored Hindu practice. Felicity was a
great memorizer of Scripture which won her a
place of honor in school after she had been punished
for forming a brute squad to knock down her class-
mates. Felicity claims to be of Jewish faith.
Felicity and Jennifer would have had a brother
if all went well. The Kendal's were in England
during a air raid where half the side of their
house was blown off. Laura lost her unborn
baby the next day. There is a thirteen year gap
between Jennifer and Felicity. No mention was
made of this fact until years later.
The parents. Felicity got her
great looks from her mother
and her spunk from dad.
Felicity's first pet was a baby deer. Then one Christmas she wanted a kitty and ended up
with a CAT. This cat liked everybody but Felicity which it proceeded to maul her face every
chance it got. The cat was named "Sheba" and for five years it unleashed it's venom on
Felicity. It really fancied Laura the best. Felicity got along better with dogs.
At nine years old Felicity entered acting on a more full time basis starting with "Macbeth"
and "The Merchant Of Venice". She also was in charge of seeing that the props and baggage
were all accounted for before departures.
Jennifer fell in love with an Indian actor by the name of Shashi Kapoor. These two were
later married much to the disgruntlment of Geoffery. Geoffery being liberal minded didn't
mind Shashi so much as he minded loosing Jennifer from the cast. Jennifer continued in
the theatre with Shashi and his family and did a movie "Bombay Talkie". The Kendals
did not attend the wedding and there were hard feelings for years.
1999 Good Wrench