Paul Eddington's Repertoire
The Devil Rides Out (US title "The Devil's Bride" 1968)
The Adventures Of Robin Hood (supporting roles, finally took over the
role of Will Scarlett, 1956-1960
Ivanhoe ("The Widow Of Woodcote" episode 1961)
Top Secret ("Vendetta" episode 1961)
The Avengers ("Immortal Clay", and "Something Nasty In The Nursery"
episodes 1962, 1967)
Danger Man (I'm Afraid You Have The Wrong Number" episode 1965)
The Prisoner (first episode 1968)
Fraud Squad ("The Biggest Borrower Of All" episode 1969)
The Adventurer ("Make It A Million" episode 1972)
Dixon Of Dock Green
Special Branch (series 1974)
The Good Life (1975-1978)
Jubilee (play 5 in this series 1977)
Let There Be Love (sitcom 1982)
Outside Edge (play 1982)
Minder (episode 6 1989)
Agatha Christie's "Miss Marple" ("Murder At The Vicarage", two part
episode 1986)
The Rose Garden (Jack Russel play 1972)
Van Der Valk ("The Adventurer" episode 1972)
Yes, Minister (sitcom 1980-1982)
Sin With Our Permission (JC Wilsher play 1981)
Yes, Prime Minister (sitcom 1986-1987)
The Camomile Lawn (miniseries 1992)
Ten Times Table (Alan Aychbourn play 1977)
For a more comprehensive list of paul Eddington's theatre list, read
the story of Paul's life as told in "So Far, So Good" under Paul
Eddington in "Pinky and Perky's Pigpen". For his autobiography
in it's entirety, Read "So Far, So Good" by Paul Eddington.
List courtesy of Derrick A Mayoleth
1999 Good Wrench