Margo's movies
EveryHome Should Have One (1971)
Penny Gold (1972)
Ghost Story (1973)
Madhouse Mansion (1974)
The Hound Of The Baskervilles (1977)
The Priest Of Love (1981)
Six Shades Of Black (1960's)
Hadleigh (PK, not a regular, 1969-1976)
The Avengers (the murder market episode, 1965-1966)
Kate (PK a semi-regular, 1970-1972)
The Pallisers (Episode(s) unknown, 1974)
Two's Company (Guest on sitcom, 1975-1976, 1978-1979)
The Good Life (sitcom 1975-1978)
Jackanory (Episode 7, June 1977)
To The Manor Born (sitcom, 1979-1981)
Sweet Sixteen (sitcom, 1983)
Moving (sitcom 1985)
What's My Line? (presenter)
Executive Stress (sitcom, 1986-1987)
No Job For A Lady (sitcom, 1990-1991)
Law And Disorder (Sitcom, 1994)
Next Of Kin (sitcom, 1995-1996)
Cottage To Let (play 2 in series, 1977)
Private Lives (Noel Coward play ?1977)
The Norman Conquests (Tom Stoppard play 1977)
Donkey's Years (Michael Frayn play, 1980)
On Approval, (Fredrick Lonsdale play,1980)
Spider's web (Agatha Christie play 1982)
Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare, 1984)
Waters Of The Moon
Fun fact no 1, If you can't stand the theatre but get dragged to one,
Find the backstage door, poke your head in and yell "MACBETH!"
real loud. It messes with the actors minds.
1998 Good Wrench