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Good Wrench's Good Life, Good Neighbors Garden Of Goodies
Good Wrench's
Good Life, Good Neighbors,
Garden of Goodies
Greetings Guests!
Gaggle and grope at the greatest gob of Good Life goodies ever gathered
guaranteed! You'll gasp as you gaze at the gigantic Good Life gallery in
"Geraldine's Goat Pen". Dig in the miscellaneous dung in the "Effluence
Digester". For you Felicity fans, you'll froth fervently at the "Felicity
Kendal Drool Page". "Pinky and Perky's Pigpen" is where all the Good
biographies are parked. Check out the "Chicken Coop" to contact the
characters or mess about in "Margo's Shed" for goodies you can get. Get
cooking in "Barbara's Kitchen" where you can chew "Chicken Olivia" or
Eeek out in the "Episode Guide" for extraordinary extras. Catch a wav.
in the "Surbiton Sound System" for some Good Life grooves. If you're
groveling for the best Good Life goodies ever generated then you need
go no further 'cause you know we got the "Goods". It's as good as it gets
so go for it! This is....
The Good Life
Margo's shed
Geraldine's Goat Pen
Effluence Digester
Pinky and perky's Pigpen
Episode Guide
Felicity Kendal Drool Page
Chicken Coop
Sound Pt. 2
Surbiton Sound
Hot Links
Barbara's Kitchen
Welcome to your new "Good Wrench's Good Life, Good Neighbors Garden Of Goodies"! It is our mission
to provide you with the best and most informative Good Life goodies you can get on the net. It is an honor
and a privledge to host this web site for one of the best comedy shows ever shown. This site is dedicated to
you, the loyal fan who loves the show as much as I do. It is my wish that you may have a pleasant visit and
for you to know that you are the most inportant part of the Good Life Garden. Plese sign the Guestbook
at the link below while you're here and please visit often as more new and exiting goodies are added.
Our Good Neighbor, Derrick Wright has graciously provided for us his collection of Good Life goodies
for us to enjoy here. Please visit his new web site and drop him a note of thanks. And thanks to my friend
Ken Lange for all those sleepless nights clogging his computer with Good Life goodies and providing the
tech support I needed and also to Sally at "Brits" in Lawrence Kansas for scrounging for any Good Life
goodies there was in existence. These and you are the Good Neighbors that make The Good Life!
1998 Good Wrench
"The Good Life", "Good Neighbors"
courtesy of BBC Television London, U.K.
This The Comedy Ring site owned by
Chris .
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